#13 Analysis: Why Oleic Acid jumps to more than 50%?

Hello, Readers,

Today we have new post, with shocking review from Mr. C. Gordon:

Please bring attention to the
fact that Moxxor has two analysis of the same oil: 

One found
and the other found

Remember this is just mussel oil, before the addition of Hoki or
grape seed extract. They should have the
same profile. If you apply the logic that the DHA and EPA reside in
the PUFA, which in first analysis is 50.8%,
then by using the following from Moxxors site:

“The bottom line is rather than bet on one or two chemical compounds,
bet the whole lot, just to cover yourself. The New Zealand Greenlip
Mussel contains over 33 individual fatty acids of those 48-51% are
polyunsaturated fatty acids of which almost 80% is omega-3s including
70% being EPA and DHA. Highly concentrated and in a natural form. In
short, the The New Zealand Greenlip Mussel puts fish oil to shame
when it comes to omega-3s.”
from http://www.moxxleader.com/forum/read.php?6,11,154#msg-154,

then where the hell is the DHA and EPA in the second analysis?
The answer is simple, they have diluted it out with Olive oil.

Readers of the MLM Audit site have to understand that, the paper
trial is there, the  answer is there, just join the dots, it isn’t rocket science, just
very simple logic. The DHA
and EPA suddenly go down to ~25% of what they should be, as do
the other minor
Omega 3 acids, AND Oleic Acid goes to 52 %??????????????

The Oil is adulterated with a filler! Period. End of Story.

Mr. Gordon review

P.S. If you have any info nd would like to share in order to get attention of MOXXOR, post to  CustomerCare {Eta} zaidimai.com

3 Responses

  1. Storm Clouds Gathering above Moxxor.

    Not before time, it seems Moxxor’s outlandish claims have attracted attention of the watchdogs.


    When the blatant lie of no fillers is exposed the FTC may act.

  2. If anybody couldn’t see exact Joe link-document, from email-reminder, you should copy it from page.

    Thanks, Joe

  3. For those who struggle with the above explanation there is a more elegant solution.

    See next new post (probably #14 for continue)


    Joe Cave

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